Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lesbian Contemporary Fiction

Young adult books with a lead lesbian female character set in the present day. A mixture of coming out stories, first loves, and books that just happen to feature a lesbian teenage protagonist.

Ages 9-12

Ages 12-15

Ages 13-16

Ages 15-18

Ages 18+

Friday, September 13, 2013

Lesbian Secondary Characters in Fiction

YA Fiction with a lesbian secondary character that has a main part in the plot.

Secondary character lesbian fiction includes stories about kids with lesbian parents, friends and romantic interests. Some of them are matter of fact stories that happen to feature lesbian characters, others are struggles to overcome a changed family, homophobia or conflict directed at their friends.

Ages 9-12

Ages 12-15

Ages 15-18

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Gay Contemporary Teen Fiction

Contemporary fiction with a gay male main character.

Ages 9-12

Ages 12-15

Ages 13-16

Ages 15-18

Ages 18+

Gay Teen Fiction With A Straight Main Character

These books all include a major gay male character or theme, but have a straight protagonist*

While these stories are seen through the eyes of straight teenagers, they are mostly about that teen coming to terms with a gay friend, (ex)boyfriend, father, uncle or their own homophobia.

*There are a couple of books with lesbian protagonists as well.

Ages 9-12

Ages 12-15

Ages 13-16

Ages 15-18

Ages 18+